GOOD PRACTICES : Understanding Softs Skills and Hard Skills in English Teaching

In the realm of education, particularly in teaching English, the blend of soft skills and hard skills plays a crucial role in fostering effective learning and creating an engaging classroom environment. Understanding these two categories of skills can help educators enhance their teaching methodologies and better connect with their students.



Hard skills are the specific, teachable abilities or knowledge sets that can be quantified and defined. For an English teaching position, these include:

Language Proficiency: Mastery of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing skills. This also encompasses a deep understanding of linguistic rules and structures.

Teaching Methodologies: Knowledge of various teaching methods such as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Task-Based Learning (TBL), and Total Physical Response (TPR). These methods help teachers design effective lesson plans and activities.

Assessment Design: Ability to create and implement various forms of assessments (formative, summative, standardized tests) to evaluate student progress and proficiency.

Technological Proficiency: Familiarity with educational technology tools like interactive whiteboards, learning management systems (LMS), and online teaching platforms. This is increasingly important in today’s digital learning environment.


Soft skills, often referred to as interpersonal or people skills, are more subjective and harder to measure but are equally important in an educational setting. For an English teaching position, these include:

Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential for explaining concepts clearly and interacting with students, parents, and colleagues. This includes active listening, empathy, and the ability to convey information in an engaging manner.

Adaptability: Flexibility to adapt teaching strategies based on student needs, feedback, and classroom dynamics. This also involves being open to new teaching methods and technological advancements.

Cultural Awareness: Sensitivity to cultural differences and the ability to incorporate diverse perspectives into lessons. This helps create an inclusive learning environment and enhances student engagement.

Patience and Empathy: Understanding that students learn at different paces and showing patience can significantly impact their learning experience. Empathy helps in building strong student-teacher relationships.

Creativity: Using creative approaches to make learning interesting and relevant. This can involve incorporating multimedia resources, interactive activities, and real-world contexts into lessons.


Effective English teachers blend both soft and hard skills to create a dynamic and supportive learning environment. For example:

Classroom Management: While hard skills in structuring a lesson plan are important, soft skills in maintaining a positive and productive classroom atmosphere are equally crucial.

Feedback Delivery: Providing constructive feedback requires a solid understanding of linguistic proficiency (hard skill) and the ability to communicate feedback in a supportive and encouraging manner (soft skill).

Engagement Strategies: Using technological tools (hard skill) to deliver content can be enhanced by the teacher’s ability to engage and motivate students (soft skill).


Balancing soft and hard skills is essential for success in an English teaching position. Hard skills provide the foundation of subject knowledge and teaching methods, while soft skills enable teachers to connect with students and create a positive learning environment. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, the integration of these skills will remain vital in shaping effective and inspiring English teachers.

By recognizing and developing both sets of skills, educators can enhance their teaching practice and significantly impact their students’ learning journeys.

Soft skills are crucial for personal and professional development and improving them can be quite challenging. Here is a video recommendation that can help you enhance your soft skills:

21 soft skills for teacher explained :

Source: This article is based on comprehensive research and references from multiple reputable sources.

Al Guerraïche – Teaching and Learning Manager